Natural capital depreciation in Sub-Saharan Africa: The role of sovereign wealth funds
Edward B. Barbier
Date: 2019-01-0138 Downloads 118 Views
Impact of land tenure insecurity on investment: Evidence from northern Uganda
Daniela A. Mitevaa and Zachary S. Brownb
Date: 2019-01-0173 Downloads 97 Views
Is the Dutch disease ample evidence of a resource curse? The case of Libya
Ali Elwerfellia and James Benhinb
Date: 2019-01-0145 Downloads 83 Views
A data revolution for agricultural production statistics in Sub-Saharan Africa
Channing Arndta, Amy Daleb, Patrick Hatzenbuehlerc, Jordan Kyled, Innocent Matshee, Adam Schlosserf and Emily Schmidtg
Date: 2019-01-0142 Downloads 103 Views
Muddy waters: Economic analysis of soil erosion and downstream externalities
Anders Ekboma, Gardner Brownb and Thomas Sternerc
Date: 2019-01-0146 Downloads 114 Views
Illicit trade in the marine resources of West Africa
U. Rashid Sumaila
Date: 2019-01-0144 Downloads 107 Views
Bioeconomics of fisheries management under common pool and territorial use rights regimes
Wisdom Akpalu
Date: 2019-01-0141 Downloads 130 Views