A data revolution for agricultural production statistics in Sub-Saharan Africa
Author(s):Channing Arndta, Amy Daleb, Patrick Hatzenbuehlerc, Jordan Kyled, Innocent Matshee, Adam Schlosserf and Emily Schmidtg
2024-08-01 05:27:14
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We argue that vastly improved agricultural production forecasts and estimates in SSA fit within an emerging view of information as a key input into the development process. We assess the current quality and timeliness of agricultural production data, f inding both quality and timeliness to be inadequate. These inadequacies persist despite substantial benefits of improved agricultural production projections and estimates, notably benefits to market participants, not least farmers. New technologies such as satellite remote sensing provide scope to vastly improve agricultural production estimation methods at substantially lower cost than traditional farm surveys. Because farm surveys remain the “gold standard” and are needed as part of new methods that encompass remote sensing information (e.g., for ground-truthing), efforts in this area are required to identify the most robust and effective applications of new technologies to agricultural statistics. Consideration of institutional challenges and frameworks is also necessary to benefit from these technologies. We conclude that accurate and timely agricultural production projections and estimates are clearly possible at lower cost than at any time in recent history. These relatively small investments in improving SSA agricultural production data systems have the potential to deliver real progress towards attaining key Sustainable Development Goals.
Agricultural production statistics; information; marketing; seasonal price variation
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