About GJE
Aims & Scope
The Ghanaian Journal (GJE) is an international, peer-reviewed general interest economics and allied social sciences journal dedicated to publishing high-quality, original research. The GJE places emphasis on theoretical, analytical, and empirical articles, with policy relevance for the Ghanaian economy and other regions of the world. The GJE leads a new trajectory in academic and professional research and enlarges the debate on key issues underpinning the Ghanaian economy and similar emerging economies around the world. Papers for consideration must meet two cardinal criteria:- the motivation should be clear and compelling, typically including a clearly specified research question(s) and a statement as to why this question is interesting. However, a paper whose primary motivation is to synthesize or even survey earlier work might also be publishable.
- the analysis should be correct and should be appropriately rigorous given the research question(s).
The GJE publishes the following article types:
- Research Papers
- Notes - offering a comment on a previously published paper or report a new idea, empirical finding or approach
- Book Reviews
- Letters - terse, scholarly comments on any aspect of interest to our readership
- Commentaries
- Obituaries - welcome in relation to significant figures in our field