• The dynamics of north-south migration in Ghana: Perspectives of Nandom migrants in Accra


    Thomas Antwi Bosiakoh, Cyril Abe-ifaa Tuota#, Sylvia Ohene Marfo* and Paul Andoh$ 

    2024-08-01 07:50:37

    70 Downloads 155 Views


    This paper re-visits the old north-south migration discourse in Ghana by focusing on nandom youth migrants in accra. it explores the perspectives of resident nandom youth migrants in accra with emphasis on three key issues, namely perception, predisposing factors and impacts of their southern migration project on the nandom community. Empirical field results show a multiplicity of factors undergirding the migration decision of nandom youths in accra. While both positive and negative perceptions emerge from the study regarding seasonal, long term and return migration of nandom youths in accra, the entire migratory project demonstrates a livelihood pursuit. Additionally, we identify a ‘suitcase’ of remittance types, the different kinds of remittance recipients and usages and also the conditions under which these migrants remitted. The discussion on remittances provides a platform for understanding the impact of their southward migratory project on the nandom community.

    North-south migration; Migration perception; Migration impacts; Nandom; Ghana

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